Population in Radius Map | Cubit

Population Within a Radius Map

Use this map tool to get the population within a radius of any US address or zip code

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Population Density *,*** *,*** *,***

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B01003


Median Household Income $*,*** $*,*** $*,***
Average Household Income $*,*** $*,*** $*,***
Families in Poverty ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
Households *,*** *,*** *,***
Less than $25,000 *,*** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
$25,000 to $49,999 *,*** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
$50,000 to $74,999 *,*** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
$75,000 to $99,999 *,*** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
$100,000 to $199,999 *,*** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
Over $200,000 *,*** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B19001, B19013, B19025, B17010

Median Age ** ** **
Population **,*** **,*** **,***
Ages 9 & under **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Ages 10 to 19 **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Ages 20 to 29 **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Ages 30 to 39 *,*** *% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Ages 40 to 49 **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** *%
Ages 50 to 59 **,*** *% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Ages 60 to 69 **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** **%
Ages 70 & over **,*** *% **,*** **% **,*** *%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B01001

Population **,*** **,*** **,***
White **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Black **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
American Indian *** *% *** *% *** *%
Asian **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
Pacific Islander *** *% *** *% *** *%
Other race **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
Two or more races **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
Hispanic or Latino **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B03002

Population Aged 25 & Over **,*** **,*** **,***
No high school diploma **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
High school graduate or equal **,*** **% ***,*** **% ***,*** **%
Some college **,*** **% **,*** **% ***,*** **%
Associate's degree **,*** **% **,*** *% **,*** *%
Bachelor's degree **,*** **% ***,*** **% ***,*** **%
Advanced degree **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B15002

Population Aged 16 & Over **,*** **,*** **,***
In labor force **,*** *% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Civilian labor force **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Employed **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Unemployed **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
In armed forces *** *% *** *% *** *%
Not in labor force **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B11001, B11003

Households **,*** **,*** **,***
Family households **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Married couples **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
With kids under 18 **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Other family types **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Single dad households with kids **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
Single mom households with kids **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
Non-family households **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B11001, B11003

Homes **,*** **,*** **,***
Occupied Homes **,*** **,*** **,***
Owner occupied units **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Renter occupied units **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B25024, B25003

Median Home Value $**,*** $**,*** $**,***
Owner Occupied Homes **,*** **,*** **,***
Under $100,000 **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
$100,000 to $199,999 **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
$200,000 to $299,999 **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
$300,000 to $399,999 **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
$400,000 to $499,999 **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
$500,000 to $749,999 **,*** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
$750,000 to $999,999 *** *% **,*** *% **,*** *%
$1,000,000 to $1,499,999 *** *% *** *% **,*** *%
$1,500,000 to $1,999,999 ** *% *** *% *** *%
Over $2,000,000 *** *% *** *% *** *%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B25075

Population **,*** **,*** **,***
Male: **,*** **% **,*** **% **,*** **%
Under 5 years *,*** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
5 to 9 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
10 to 14 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
15 to 17 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
18 and 19 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
20 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
21 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
22 to 24 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
25 to 29 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
30 to 34 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
35 to 39 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
40 to 44 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
45 to 49 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
50 to 54 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
55 to 59 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
60 and 61 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
62 to 64 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
65 and 66 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
67 to 69 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
70 to 74 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
75 to 79 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
80 to 84 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
85 years and over ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
Female: *,*** **% **,*** **% ***,*** **%
Under 5 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
5 to 9 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
10 to 14 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
15 to 17 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
18 and 19 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
20 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
21 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
22 to 24 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
25 to 29 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
30 to 34 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
35 to 39 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
40 to 44 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
45 to 49 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
50 to 54 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
55 to 59 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
60 and 61 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
62 to 64 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
65 and 66 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
67 to 69 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
70 to 74 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
75 to 79 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
80 to 84 years ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%
85 years and over ** *% *,*** *% *,*** *%

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2023 American Community Survey, Tables B01001, B01003. The numbers in the above table may not total up due to rounding.

Radius Estimates

First, we subtract the 2023 US Census Bureau's water areas from the 2023 block groups. Then we calculate the project's radiuses, the block groups minus water areas that intersect the radiuses, and the percent of each block group's area that's in the radiuses (overlap). Next, the overlap percent is multiplied by the Census demographics for each block group. Finally, we sum the overlap times the demographics for all block groups that intersect a radius to produce the demographic estimate for the radius.

The benefits of this methodology are that it allows for:

  1. the use of the most current data for small area geographies from the US Census Bureau;
  2. the estimation of demographics for radius distances using dissimilar shaped Census block groups;
  3. data comparability (because estimates for small radiuses and large radiuses use the same methodology, geographies and datasets); and
  4. improved estimates along coastlines and large water bodies by removing water areas.

This methodology assumes that the population is equally distributed throughout a block group. This assumption can result in unlikely estimates for small radiuses (i.e. 1 mile) in rural areas with low population densities and thus, large geographic area block groups.

Median Estimates

To estimate median values, we use a simple method explained in the book "Beginning Statistics: An Introduction for Social Scientists" by Diamond I and Jefferies J. Here's how it works:

  1. We pull grouped data for your area of interest and order the groups from smallest to largest. This helps us see which group the middle value, or median, is in.
  2. We figure out exactly where the middle value sits within its group. We look at how far into the group it is, as a percentage, starting from the bottom end.
  3. Then, we check how big the gap is between the smallest and largest numbers in that group.
  4. We use the percentage to find a part of that gap. This percentage tells us how much to add to the smallest number in the group to get the median.
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